Legislature(1993 - 1994)

03/03/1993 09:07 AM Senate STA

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
  SENATOR LEMAN brought SB 80 (BOARDS,  COMMISSIONS, COUNCILS,                 
  AUTHORITIES)  before  the  committee as  the  next  order of                 
  business.   He directed  attention to  two amendments  being                 
  proposed by Senator Ellis.                                                   
  Number 411                                                                   
  SENATOR ELLIS moved the  adoption of amendment #1.   He said                 
  it would deny the  proposed transfer of the Pioneers'  Homes                 
  Advisory Board duties to the Older Alaskans Commission.                      
  AMENDMENT #1                                                                 
  Delete Sections 24, 25, and 26 in their entirety.                            
  Delete  the  following   references  in  Section  26:     AS                 
  44.21.100, 44.21.110, 44.21.120, and 444.21.130.                             
  Hearing no  objection to amendment  #1, the Chair  stated it                 
  had been adopted.                                                            
  Number 423                                                                   
  SENATOR ELLIS moved the adoption of  amendment #2.  It would                 
  delete  the   sections  of   the  bill   referring  to   the                 
  Telecommunications Information Council.                                      
  AMENDMENT #2                                                                 
  Page 3, lines 9 - 15:  Delete Section 4                                      
  Page 3, line 16 - 20:  Delete Section 5                                      
  Page 4, line 2  & page 5, line 2:  Delete Section 88                         
  Delete Sections 18 through 23                                                
  Delete Sections 27 through 30                                                
  Delete Section 36                                                            
  Page 16, line 19:  Delete AS 44.21.045(c)(1), 44.21.045(f)                   
  Hearing no objection  to amendment #2,  the Chair stated  it                 
  had been adopted.                                                            
  Number 447                                                                   
  SENATOR  ELLIS  stated that  he  would  not  be offering  an                 
  amendment in  the State  Affairs Committee  relating to  the                 
  Permanency Planning  Review Board,  but would  do so  in the                 
  HESS Committee at the request of Senator Phillips.                           
  Number 450                                                                   
  SENATOR DUNCAN moved that CSSB 80  (STATE AFFAIRS) be passed                 
  out of  committee with individual  recommendations.  Hearing                 
  no objection, it was so ordered.                                             

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